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112 lines
# Snews selective expire data file
# Each line is in the form
# newsgroup number of days
# where newsgroup starts in Col 1 and Number of days is an integer
# with 0 meaning expire everything.
# -1 meaning never expire.
# anything else, the number of days to retain an article
# Lines starting with # and blank lines are ignored
# Entries contained in square [] brackets are special.
# First the default for all unspecified newsgroups
[default] 1
# keep the demon.announce and demon.security.keys for ever
demon.announce 21
demon.security.keys -1
# Keep the remainder of the demon groups for 30 days, but archive
# the deleted articles to g:\tmp\demon.acv
#demon.* 7 D:\tmp\demon.acv
# Except for the test group
demon.test 3
# Newsgroups can be terminated with a star * to match anything following,
# if there are two entries which are identical for the length of the shorter
# expire will try to match the longest newsgroup name first, then the shorter.
# Lets get rid of junk immediately
junk 0
# Some groups are very busy, expire them quicker
#rec.radio.* 3
# Of course your file does not need all these comments :-)
#uk.test 3
#comp.virus 14
# Finally let's deal with the history files.
# The snews history file is dealy with automatically and will always
# contain only the articles in the newsbase.
# The ka9q nntp history file however needs pruning as well. There are a
# number of ways to deal with this. I will allow three from here.
# First, if there is no entry here, it won't be touched.
# Second a [tail] entry will delete lines from the file to leave
# only the most recent number of entries specified. e.g.
# [tail] 1000 will leave the most recent 1000 articles received in the
# history file.
# Finally a [copy] entry will copy the snews history file into the nntp
# history file in the correct format. That way the nntp history file will
# only know about articles that remain in the newsbase. e.g.
# [copy] 1000
# The number following this entry is required syntax, but not used.
# Both of these methods carry a risk of receiving duplicate articles.
# The alternative is to let the file grow and grow and grow and ...
[tail] 1000
# In order to deal with the ever growing size of history.snw, the file
# snews uses to prevent unbatch adding duplicate messages, when newsgroups
# are expired with a -1 parameter it is necessary to delete old entries
# out of the histoy file, even if the articles remain in the newsbase.
# There is no detremental effect from this if the articles are kept in
# the history file long enough to eliminate the possibility of a duplicate
# being receiveed. The benefits are a saving in memory overhead for snews
# and a speeding up of the initialisation of snews and it's utilities that
# need to read the history file on initialisation.
# The entry takes the form of [life] and specifies a period in days after
# which history entries may be unconditionally deleted.
# If there is no [life] entry in this file, entries are retained for ever.
[life] 9
# End of file